20 results for “

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Chateau de Mirwart

Nights in style in Saint-Hubert. In this magnificent and unique hotel, situated in de Belgian Ardennes, everything breathes luxury, refinement, elegance… Vulkan could make full use its artistic character ! In the Bar Bleu, the countertop in mdf, was treated with Vulkan zinc and then patinated. The result is this pittoresque and charming décor, that…


Villa Lorraine

This famous 2** restaurant in Brussels was completely renovated a few years ago. Vulkan was responsible for setting the tone of the interior: Reception desk, all doors, wall cladding and furniture were treated with Vulkan brass and patinated in different shades…The result is exclusive, classy, warm and luxurious as it should be for a restaurant…


Poolhouse E

Vulkan created a really unique interior for this beautiful poolhouse , in partnership with Heylen Metaalwerken. The wine cabinet was designed and produced completely by Heylen. Vulkan treated this cabinet and the glassracks behind and above the bar with patinated bronze. The wall shelf, with its backpannel and profiles in bronze, creates a warm and…



Maintenance All our creations are made from the natural metal and a result of 100% manual labour. Because the metal reacts with environmental factors such as humidity, temperature and light, each product will have a completely unique color and will continuously evolve under the influence of its environment. We hope that you will enjoy our…


Design kitchen

The architect was looking for an original and luxurious finish for this kitchen. We created a custom color that fits perfectly with the other elements in this kitchen.


Privacy Policy

Privacy declaration By visiting our website you leave information that we can use. In this privacy statement we would like to make it clear to you how we deal with this, what we do with this collected data and why. Personal data that is processedVulkan can process personal data about you because you use Vulkan’s…



A reception in a unique and beautiful building in Brussels. Everything here breathes history, wealth, opulence … The architect designed 2 counters that could not be constructed in precious metal. The solution? An MDF structure that we covered with Vulkan bronze high-gloss. The result is a contemporary-looking design desk that fits perfectly into the atmosphere…



A befriended architect was looking for a new office space. He bought an ancient chapel and designed a daring and original concept. You can see the result in these photos. Heylen Inox and Staalcreaties – our other company – took care of the stacked volumes. Quite a challenge, but the result is amazing! Vulkan was…


Tomorrowland HQ

When entering the Tomorrowland headquarters, the brass reception immediately catches the eye. We also treated the sofas and furniture with bronze, giving the room a very elegant look.



Copper Copper creates a beautiful warm feeling in your interior. It is also one of the few metals that can evoke a completely different look and mood, depending on the way the metal is processed. The color palette varies from deep red to warm orange and even yellow and green. Treated with a patina, a…

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